Tuesday 15 October 2019



Cities around the world are plagued with traffic jams. Against the backdrop of slower road developments in most countries, the number of automobiles continues to rise alongside the world’s population. This situation has led to the inevitability of traffic jams with sever consequences for the people, the environment and the economy at large. To some people, the dangers are not obvious except for the waste of time. However, traffic hold ups have far more harmful effects than wasting people’s time. In this article we take a deep dive into the drawbacks of traffic jam on people’s productivity, health, relationship, safety and finances. We then proceed to examine ways one can make the most out of any traffic holdup to minimize its harmful effects. We begin by examining some harmful effects of traffic jam.


Studies by a US transportation consulting firm, INRIX, found that traffic jam cost America $305bn in 2017 alone, mainly due to the drain on productivity by time wasted in traffic holdups. When people take long hours to get to work, they lose a lot of money in the process. Time is money. Money liable to tax. Money that could be used for investment to boost the economy and other areas of live. Imagine you are been paid by the hour. Imagine putting in less time in your business than you should just because of a traffic holdup. If you value time at $50 an hour and end up losing 4 hours a week, it adds up to $200. In a month it will be $800, and in a year, $9600! And this is not the only way traffic holdup is costing you financially. Another way it sucks is through the money spent on fuel, repairs, and replacement of parts. When vehicles are in idle mode, the parts wear faster, fuel is wasted, and a more toxic gas emitted.


Vehicles in slow-moving traffic are known to emit far more toxic gases than those in fast-moving traffic. They emit a great deal of Carbon-monoxide. Carbon-monoxide gases have grave environmental and health effects. Apart from polluting the air and accelerating global warming, it leads to increase in the risk of airborne diseases like TB, skin diseases and others. The pollution also makes breathing difficult. As a result, many suffer headache, stress, nausea, fatigue, dizziness, and so on.  Conditions like this normally culminate in mood swings, tiredness at work and even drowsiness. The collective impact on people’s productivity runs into billions of dollars in losses. Sick persons cannot work efficiently, and have to spend money on treatment.


Another big effect of traffic jam is threat to safety. Being held up in traffic can be very frustrating – particularly if one is in a hurry. Some people can’t endure for long, so they risk dangerous maneuvers to get ahead. Accidents are then likely to happen. Fights even break out, while some can be heard bawling at others. Confusions like this are also known to provide cover for thieves to steal something from your car. There are many cases, especially in third-world countries, where thieves take advantage of traffic jam to snatch your phone, handbag, purse, and other possessions. It is difficult to catch them as they get lost in the line of vehicles. Similarly, patients in a critical condition may delay reaching the hospital. Sometimes it leads to their death or severe suffering.


Finally, another major effect of traffic jam is on people’s relationships – particularly the married. A wife or husband gets held-up in traffic and return home late. Their partner starts getting suspicious that they are up to some mischief. Or the husband returns late most of the time and has little or no time to spend with his children before leaving for work the next morning. And the wife feels she’s getting too little attention. Or the wife gets home late and is unable to cook for the family or do some household chores. The husband gets fed up and there is a quarrel, accusations and even a fight. Some families break up in the process, which then leads to a different set of problems for the children. Relationship problem is not restricted to the home. It can happen at work too. An employee may arrive late and the boss rejects their excuse about traffic. Sometimes this can cost the employee their job or create friction between employer and employee. Another instance is where someone arrives late for an appointment and earns distrust or reproach from his partner, or even lose a contract, all because they were delayed by traffic.


Despite efforts by governments around the world to help the situation, traffic jams are here to stay. It must occur at least once in a while or on daily bases depending on where you live. It is therefore important to know how you can cut your losses should you get into one. Subsequent paragraphs will discuss some ways you should do this.


The probability of contracting airborne diseases is greatly influenced by environmental factors – majorly, temperature and humidity. Pollution is a major driver of these factors. Pollution hamper lung functioning by causing inflammation of the airways. Diseases like TB and asthma are more likely to occur or get worse then. Temperature in a traffic jam is usually high and the air very dirty. However, winding up your glasses completely is not the solution. You should always leave enough room for ventilation. Spray some air freshener and turn on the AC. This will help reduce the temperature and purify the air in your car.


A second advice is for you to catch up with family, friends, associates or partners who might be worried, offended or suspicious if you arrive late. You can either report the situation and laugh it out with them, or say how sorry you are about it. They will most likely understand which could save you a great deal of trouble later. Also, you might have worked yourself into tension during the waiting. Chatting up a family or friend can bring some relief by taking your mind off the current situation, even for a while.


Be patient and try to get organized. Getting worried or frustrated cannot change the situation. It will not make the cars move faster or make way for you. It will only increase your blood pressure and drain you of energy. Instead, you can make use of this time productively by organizing your schedules for the day, planning a trip, working on your investment or wedding plans and other things of importance. Keep your mind occupied with a problem. You might have found a solution, or made significant progress by the time you get out of the holdup.


Alternatively you can take a short walk. Get fit by taking a stretch. This can relief stress, ease muscle stiffness and fatigue, improve blood circulation and many other health benefits that come with waking. Do not get too far from your car though, or take your attention completely off the traffic. If possible, you can pick up a snack from a nearby store, find some shade and chill out.


If the area is known for violence or stealing, always lock your car doors, wind up the glasses leaving just enough space for ventilation. If you want to take a stretch, lock the car with your valuables inside. It is preferred that you stay inside, particularly at night, to minimize the risk of getting rubbed or harmed. Avoid getting into a show-down with anyone for breaking your mirror, scratching or denting your car or bumping into you. Try to resolve every situation maturely. If you are at fault, do not feel above apology. If your partner becomes too aggressive, call the attention of the police or any security personnel around. Never get into a fight except in self-defense.


Read a book or novel you love. It is a good idea to have one in your car always. With our busy schedules these days, most people hardly have time to read. Instead of sitting idle in a standstill traffic jam, and probably working yourself into a rage, do some reading. You can also browse the net to catch up with latest events or increase knowledge in a particular field of interest to you. It will have a calming effect while adding to what you already know. It is also a good brain exercise to boost your IQ. Alternatively you can play your favorite game, listen to helpful audio or watch a good movie on your phone or tablet.


In conclusion, there are other ways in addition to the ones suggested, that you can make good use of your time during a traffic holdup. And you should try to find more. It is unlikely that traffic jam will abate any time soon. The investment requirement is just too great for most governments to afford. And new cars will continue to outnumber the ones out-of-service every year, with most becoming cheaper. The population for a majority of countries is expected to keep growing just as will hydrocarbon consumption. Worse still, road constructions will lag behind this rapid development. At present, the best solution to this problem appears to be alternative means of transportation like railways and cable transport. Unfortunately, the adoption of these systems will be too slow, especially in third world countries.

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